Vhembe TVET College invites South African unemployed youth to apply for Internship Programme for a period of 24 months.

Position: Office Administrator Internship X1
Stipend: R6 500.00 per month
Reference Number: VTVET/05/2024
Centre: Vhembe TVET College
Requirements: Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration or Bachelor’s degree in Administration.

Position: Artisan Plumber Internship X1
Stipend: R5 000.00 per month
Reference Number: VTVET06/2024
Centre: Vhembe TVET College
Requirements: N2 in Engineering Studies plus Trade Test Certificate.

Position: Artisan Bricklaying Internship X1
Stipend: R5 000.00 per month
Centre: Vhembe TVET College
Requirements: N2 in Engineering Studies plus Trade Test Certificate.

Position: Artisan Welder Internship X1
Stipend: R5 000.00 per month
Reference Number: VTVET08/2024
Centre: Vhembe TVET College
Requirements: N2 in Engineering Studies plus Trade Test Certificate.

Position: Hospitality Internship X1
Stipend: R3 500.00 per month
Centre: Vhembe TVET College
Requirements: National Certificate Vocational (NCV) level 4 in Hospitality

NB: Applicants must be under 35 years old, unemployed and never participated in an internship program.

Closing Date: 18 October 2024 at 16:30

Please Note:
The application must be submitted accompanied by a Z83 form (2021 version) from any Public Services Development which must be completed in full, signed and dated by the applicant.

A detailed Curriculum Vitae indicating relevant qualifications for the post and at least three (3) contactable references.

How to apply

Quote the relevant reference number and send your application to Human Resources Management, Vhembe TVET College, Private Bag X2136, Sibasa, 0970 or applications may also be hand delivered to Human Resources Management at Central Office, Site 203, Unit A, Sibasa.

Download the advert

Certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents will be required on or before the day of the interview.

Vhembe TVET College is an equal opportunity employer and the college reserves the right to withdraw from any post at any time.

Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

Persons with disability are encouraged to apply. Travel expenses will be home by the applicant.


Vhembe TVET College: Internship Programme